Michele Fanti

MEMBRO DAL 02 Set 2020
  • app e programmazione
  • Italia Veneto Verona

Servizi coperti

I learned java-programming by myself in the past 4 years, therefore i have a pregressed experience in this field and with this code language.
My field of expertise arond java language regards the following aspects:
-Core Java programming
-Java Programming Projects
-Intermediate Java Programming
-Object-Oriented Programing
-Network Programing
-JDBC (Mysql,SQLite,Oracle)
-File Streaming
-GUI (Graphical User Interface) Swing, JFrame, AND FX
-Bug fixes and code refactoring
-Socket Programming

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Parlano di AddLance Michele Fanti Michele Fanti Michele Fanti Michele Fanti Michele Fanti Michele Fanti