
MEMBRO DAL 29 Set 2015
  • supporto amministrativo
  • Commercialisti e Consulenti
  • Italia Veneto Montebelluna
  • Privato senza P.IVA

Servizi coperti

Elaborazione cedolini paga, calcolo imposte, contratti di lavoro.
My services in Italy are:
registering the employer with public and private social security and welfare agencies;
calculating monthly pay, including pay slips and all the staff pay formalities to carry out each month;
daily assistance in addition to the current payroll service;
handling communications with the Authorities when new staff are recruited or when their employment terminates;
preparing annual pay returns, including withholding agent returns;
issuing and managing pay slips and remuneration reports, including periodic reports and data required by the Accounting Team.

Come Funziona AddLance

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Confronta i preventivi

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Confronta, discuti e assegna il progetto solo se soddisfatto. È facile e sicuro!

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